Tuesday, April 15, 2008

first post

I'm surprised that I have started a new blog. For quite some time now I have been posting random ramblings about my life in livejournal. Sometimes trying something new is the way to go.

Haven't decided how much "personal" details I'm comfortable sharing here. It's weird but sometimes I worry about who will read my blog, and yet i keep writing. My husband and I have been together for 4 years, so don't let anyone tell you that you can't meet the love of your life in a nightclub. I did.

There is not much "exciting" happening in my life, I'm a busy working mom living on a reservation. I was born and raised here and have gotten used to its pace of life. Life on the reserve is different, and not for everybody...but more on that at a later time.

I'm not sure how it works here, I'm so used to writing and awaiting comments from my friend list so its a little liberating to write only for myself. It will be awhile before I get used to it.

More later