Wednesday, May 14, 2008

a late introduction

I don't think I have introduced myself. Heh, I'm introducing myself to a blog that nobody reads. I am a 31 year old woman, born and raised on the reservation, educated in the southern united states and married to a mexican man. To say we have culture is understating just a smidge. I have two beautiful children and live smack dab under the land of the living skies (Saskatchewan).

Geez I'm a terrible typist. If I told you how many things I just went back and fixed I would be SO embarrassed. It's weird how in real life I'm a bit of a grammar nazi but when i write online I get all sloppy, thats kind of weird.

I went to a dinner party last weekend. My husband had auctioned off an authentic Mexican meal and we had to go deliver it. We were invited to stay and the people were so friendly (and their house was so beautiful...I admit it, I poked around) that we agreed. To say the experience was surreal is an understatement. Out of three other 3 couples 4 were former teachers of mine. (Well, 3 taught me specifically and 1 was a teacher in a school I attended.) They offered us now back in the day I probably would have partaken but I don't drink anymore so my husband and I politely declined. They were surprised, but tried to cover it well. Then we had to listen to stories about when I was a child....good grief. I think I would have kicked my own ass.

It was odd, this one guy kept laughing hysterically at everything I said and then he told me that I should be a stand up comedian. My answer was to move the wine bottle. He laughed harder. *shakes head* poor man.


  1. hey thanks for dropping by my blog -- what the hell is bento?

  2. im not an expert but its like a pretty little fancy lunch...focusing on cute
